Food Sensitivities- A Comprehensive Discussion on Its Effects and Recovery

Food Sensitivities- A Comprehensive Discussion on Its Effects and Recovery

Food Sensitivities
Food Sensitivities- A Comprehensive Discussion on Its Effects and Recovery

Changing times and increasing gut problems have proved that food sensitivities and allergies are increasing every day. People are now seen as more prone to various food allergies and food intolerance. This rising condition is a serious discussion among medical institution. So let us get a deep information on various kinds of food intolerance, food sensitivities and food allergies spreading widely.

Gluten Sensitivity- Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

A protein named Gluten found in cereals like barley, rye and wheat. Gluten Sensitivity is a condition in the body that feels distressed after consuming gluten food and experiences comfort after following the gluten-free diet. The main reason for this food sensitivity has not been found and only ruling out gluten foods is the first step towards its diagnosis and next is to take blood tests for AGA antibodies. Still, the research team is finding for a specific test to diagnose it and find an easy solution to treat.

The more severe form of gluten sensitivity is Celiac disease that affects only 1% of the population and leads to damage to the digestive system. In celiac disease, it is found that Leaky Gut is a prime condition that damages the digestive system but with Gluten Sensitivity patients, the condition like leaky gut does not exist. In most cases, the gluten sensitivity is of a milder form and do not harm but symptoms are troublesome. The only concern here is to stay away from gluten foods when symptoms like bloating, constipation, headaches, diarrhoea etc. occurs. The best treatment for this food intolerance is Gluten-Free Diet and no other medicine can provide relief.

Before indulging in any kind of self-analysis for gluten sensitivity or gluten allergy it is imperative to see a doctor. Doctors through analysis and history will form the most suitable treatment.

Dairy Sensitivity- Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Dairy sensitivity is one of the major food sensitivities that is disturbing the digestive system in many cases. You have often seen people saying that they are a dairy intolerance. This means dairy food products like milk, cheese, yoghurt, ice-cream, butter etc. reacts to their bodies and produces an instant or delayed reaction. Instant reaction to dairy products are termed as Dairy Allergy and delayed reaction is called as Dairy Intolerance.

What is Dairy Allergy and Dairy Intolerance

Dairy allergy and dairy intolerance are not the same things as many people suspect. Allergy causes immediate reaction and symptom and these symptoms appear quickly and sometimes are life-threatening too. In case of allergies body produces antibodies to fight the allergy within minutes of eating food but in dairy intolerance, the process is delayed. Dairy intolerance sometimes continued for long life and makes life miserable.

The best way to treat with these allergies and intolerance is to look for immediate medical help and consult the physician before dairy food sensitivities turn life a havoc.

Symptoms of Dairy Allergy

Dairy allergy symptoms are very severing and in some cases fatal too.

Breathing Difficulty
Red, itchy and watering eyes
Skin rashes, swollen lips and tongue
Vomiting, diarrhoea and wheezing
Symptoms of Dairy Intolerance

Dairy intolerance symptoms are wide and cover various aspects. Before following a dairy-free diet it is necessary to consult a physician.

IBS or Irritable Bowel Syndrome- bloating, excess wind, abdominal pain. People who have IBS may be dairy intolerant
Skin problems like rashes, itching, psoriasis, eczema etc
Tiredness, fatigue and joint pain
Anxiety, depression, headaches, migraines
Breathing problems

Till now we have come across the main food sensitivities people face and also came to know about its treatment. One common thing in all kinds of food sensitivities is following a diet plan that their body accepts and nourish it optimally. So, let us take a brief information about the kinds of diet recent medical industry is prescribing.

Various Kinds of Diets to Tackle Food Sensitivities
AIP Diet or Autoimmune Paleo Diet

Autoimmune Protocol diet is highly effective in the treatment of inflammation in the gut region specifically intestines. It is the best treatment against autoimmune diseases because the only way to control flaring up the intestinal mucosa is the right diet. AIP diet works to reduce inflammation and helps in healing.

Elimination Diet

As the name suggests, Elimination Diet means stop consuming certain foods for a specific limit of time and notice any changes. Then slowly introduce them after a gap and then again note the changes or symptoms that occur. Slowly following a specific diet chart, nutritionist identifies the group of foods that is the reason behind food sensitivities. This diet is very helpful in identifying the cause of food allergies and food intolerances.

Detox Diet

Detox means detoxification and it clearly shows the removal of toxins from the body. Also it is more popular among people due to the interesting benefits of losing weight. Elimination of toxins in the body means new energy, fresh feeling and a healthy gut. For that reason, following a healthy diet plan with lots of fibers, organic vegetables and fruits are easy to achieve and highly beneficial for the body.


GAPS stands for Gut and Psychology  Syndrome. This diet focusses on three conditions gut flora imbalance, leaky gut and nutrient deficiencies.  Researches have shown that this diet is highly effective in all conditions and diseases that have a strong relationship with the gut. This diet includes lifestyle changes to boost the immune system,  recovering the nutrient deficiencies through traditional foods and elimination of complex carbs. Needless to say, it is the best apt diet for autoimmune diseases.

Because we have learnt a lot about various kinds of diet to boost the immune system and generate a healthy gut and following them without any supervision will be a foolish decision. Adopting any of the diets should be monitored by a medical practitioner only.

Schedule An Appointment For Help with Your Food Sensitivities and Testing

If you need help with your symptoms for gut health consider making an appointment HERE.