Intermittent Fasting (IF) 45 Course

Intermittent Fasting (IF) 45 Course

*Frequently Asked Questions*

WHAT IS IT?: A 45-day course to learn how to become an expert at “Intermittent Fasting”
(IF), with education on many other related health topics along the way.

WHAT IS “IF” ANYWAY? Intermittent fasting is a pattern of eating where you restrict the
amount of time you eat food each day. It may be as simple as 12 hrs of food intake, followed
by 12 hours of fasting, or a more advanced version. It is aligned with ancestral eating

hormetic stressor, which when done right, leaves us stronger and more resilient. The
benefits of IF are many, and include cellular repair, better energy and sleep, reduced
inflammation and metabolic disease risk, reduced cancer risk, improved brain and gut
health, a stronger immune system, and for some, weight loss.

be. As noted above, there are many other benefits of IF. IF is just one of many tools to
support weight loss, but doesn’t guarantee it. You can certainly practice IF and not lose

WHY IS THIS COURSE JUST FOR WOMEN? (Assigned female at birth): Women’s
hormonal systems are different, and more delicate, then men’s (assigned male at birth).
Women have a lower threshold for the hormetic stressor of fasting, so it requires specific
education and safety considerations to be done correctly, and reap the benefits. This course
was designed with those specifics in mind.

WHO IS THIS COURSE NOT FOR: IF is not for everyone. I recommend women who
fall into the following categories not take this course: Pregnant or trying to conceive,
those training for intense endurance athletics, current or serious history of a formal eating
disorder, very low body weight (BMI <18.5), those with type 1 diabetes or those with type 2
and a high risk for low blood sugar, those being treated for severe chronic illness of the liver, heart, or kidney, anyone recently hospitalized for an extended period, anyone with alcohol
abuse disorder, teenagers, or those who are very medically fragile or vulnerable elderly.

WHAT IS THE COURSE FORMAT? This course will be conducted through 4 live virtual
meetings (via zoom) to discuss intermittent fasting and related health topics, as well as 2x
daily posts from me on a small (15 people or less) Facebook group that include education,
challenges, and especially accountability, and encouragement. With a private Facebook
group, your name can be displayed, OR, you can post/particiapte anonymously.

WHEN IS IT? The course begins Monday May 13th, and runs through Wednesday June
26th. The 4 live virtual meetings will begin at 12:15pm, lasting 35-45 minutes on the
following days:

• May 13 (Mon), May 28 (Tues), June 10 (Mon), June 24 (Mon)

**While it’s recommended for your success and learning, it is okay if you can’t make
the live class time. They will be recorded and emailed to watch at your convenience.**

HOW MUCH DOES IT COST? We will utilize your insurance for billing. The code billed will
be a “99214”, which is the SAME as a regular 20-30 minutes individual office visit with your
provider. You do not need to call your insurance and ask if this course would be
covered. Only the 4 virtual meetings are billed (whether you attend live or watch the
recording after). The daily Facebook group postings are a complimentary support tool.

• Deductibles, co-insurances, and/or co-pays will apply in the same way they do for a
regular office visit. It is your responsibility to know your coverage details.

• For cost consideration, I generally recommend people who have a low or no co-pay or
co-percentage, as well as a low or no deductible take this course. Others may end up
with a high bill, and the value of this course is not over $400 per person.

If you would like to join, please email: and she will send you the enrollment forms.

If you have more specific questions on the course, you can
email Lindsey directly at